Case Studies

We were asked to look into the HES data for over 1,200 Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) in England, and to segment them into groups of similar results derived from the HES annual data. Hospital Episodes Statistics (HES) is a dataset containing records of all patients admitted to NHS (National Health Service) hospitals in England. It contains details of inpatient care and outpatient appointments.
The ICBs in each clusters are provided on a spreadsheet.


Clustering Segmentation


Segmented Groups of Care Boards (ICBs) through Clustering – 4 Segments

1: High elective procedures, with significant daycase elective numbers. Moderate general practitioner (GP) referrals and first attendances. Relatively low DNA rates for first attendances, indicating good compliance for initial consultations.
2: Predominantly high Elective Procedures, with very high daycase numbers, suggesting a focus on scheduled, less urgent care. Good engagement in first attendances seen from GP referrals and other referrals, with better than average follow-up attendance.
3: Balanced distribution with moderate numbers across elective and daycase procedures. Notable for the lowest DNA rates, showing excellent patient compliance. First attendances and referrals are lower but consistent.
4: Highest subsequent attendance, suggesting effective follow-up or chronic case management. Elevated DNA rates in subsequent attendances may indicate challenges in sustained patient engagement. Elective and referral figures are substantial but not the highest.


Download File here:

Hospital Episode Statistics_Clustering Segmentation


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